Just another programming blog

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Category: Rist

  • The Stupid Stones Problem

    I made a silly maths problem 1000x* faster So yeah, I did a thing yay me. A few weeks ago (December 2024) I participated in the international nerd competition “Advent of Code”. If you’re the kind of person who reads my blogs, you have certainly heard of it, if for some reason you haven’t you…

  • Rust: Cursed hello world

    Let’s start of with the simplest approach and work down from there… Well that’s it folks, time to pack-up shop. I’m joking of course, I think this is pretty solid and the maintainers must think so too because this is the file cargo generates when you ask for a new project. The benefits are enumerable,…

  • Rust: The heck is an option<> supposed to mean?

    Option is similar to the null of other languages, except it is type safe.You must transform an Option before you can use it.You may see it like this Option<usize> or like this Option<Vec<u32>> or maybe like this std::Option<()>, or some other way – the possibilities are endless. Here’s some examples of how you can use…