Going with go
Go is nice. Go is a high level procedural programming language. It’s philosophy is quite compelling to me – keep things simple wherever possible. It’s been a pleasant respite from rust where correctness is everything. I spent a month programming in it, here are my inaugural thoughts. The background This year I participated in an…
The HACK architecture sucks
This title is clickbait slop, it’s actually quite neat but I have some critiques I’d like to share. Before that, I’ll give you some background. The Some Background The HACK architecture is an invention by Noam Nisan and Shimon Shocken. It is a part of the `Nand2Tetris` course series. It is a CPU specification which is both…
The Nand2Tetris virtual machine specification
Today, I will unoffically document the Nand2tetris VM language. Let’s back up a bit – a short course I’m currently working on is nand2tetris project 7. It’s a lot of fun, it’s like a tour of the computer software and hardware stack. Don’t worry you don’t need to know anything about it, in this article…
I made a real allocator and it was hard
I finally did it! It took blood sweat and tears but it’s here now and I’m chuffed to bits! Please have a look, I’ve got loads of comments and it looks quite clean. https://github.com/largenumberhere/libc2/blob/main/lib2/malloc.c It’s not my first allocator but it is my first real one. I have made a bump allocator before which is…
How to learn assembly
The 0th step is to set your expectations carefully. Anyone can learn assembly, but you should be aware of what you’re getting yourself into.